Ok. Last post was 1 1/2 months ago. Sad... very. But I'm not going to harp on it.
I'll just say that my life is going to be much more organized thanks to Moleskine!!! Yes, Moles!!!!

The cute little creatures that terrorize the worms in your back yard and tease your dogs can now organize your life!
Ok... not the real moles... although that would be awesome!Moleskine is just the brand name of this pocket journal I bought.
My thought is that it's small enough to fit in my pocket, so I will always carry it around and have on hand to write to do's, ideas, etc. And since it's $300 cheaper than my original plan (iPhone), it's a win win! Especially with my horrible record of randomly
losing my cell. :)

Ok, back to the update...
On a sad note, I am no longer with the church plant here in Bluffton. It's a very, very long story, but to sum it up... the vision for the church plant was vastly different than I had expected. I greatly disagree with leaving a church based on trivial reasons, but these were just too foundational for me (and several others) to ignore. The pastor and I are still friends, he understands my decision and supports it. And I know that this transition will work out better for him and for me, thanks to the wise plans of God. Also, thanks to the advice of Señor Scott Beebe, we did not follow the call of that pastor to Bluffton. We asked God to call us to the area if He wanted us, not to the opportunity for a particular church plant.
On a much lighter note. I think Jordan and I finally found our ONE tv series. And no it's not Lost or Heros!

It's House M.D. baby! I don't need to explain it, I just need to say that it's TIGHT! If you like mystery movies (and NOT the scifi type!) then you'll love this series.
I also think it's awesome that 1 out of every 10 words is some crazy medical term I've never heard before and have no idea the meaning.
Sometimes I feel like I might as well be watching a Spanish soap opera.
Anyway, since we've just become dedicated this during season 5, we've been renting the seasons at the library. We're addicted man! It's sad... right now we watch about 1 episode every night before we go to bed. Then we watch the new ones Tues nights at 8pm.

We went on a cruise with Jordan's fam! It was nice and we had a lot of fun, but I think it's the last cruise we will go on.
I mean... when you think about it, it's 3000+ people crammed onto one ship. I can't believe more people don't get sick. The cleaning crews must work incredibly hard. Honestly, I think the best part is the waiter you have each night. They rock too!
Ok... so a really fun fact that I wanted to share is this reading venture
I've decided to partake in. And I'll talk about this quickly because I need to go to bed. I've been reading the One Year Bible for a while now. And that's been working really well for me. When I can stick to it. 

So I'm always trying to find a good book to read along with the Bible. I've decided to read Homer's Iliad, the works of Plato, and the works of Aristotle. I'm thinking it might take me a year to get through them all. And since they're such great classics I figured I couldn't go wrong. Although I will definitely need my dictionary to get through some it. :)
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