And no... I was not being greedy when I suggested the name. When I was a little boy making home videos at my grandparents house I came up with the name. And I've stuck with it ever since. And Jordan liked the name anyway. So it was mutual. :)
So now that that's over...

When God called us to plant a church here in S.C. we had no idea that He was going to bless our photography business here also. It's been an amazing thing to watch and be apart of. God comes through in unbelievable ways all the time through our business. There are some neat stories, but I'll just share them in person. :)
The best bonus is that we get to do it together. We've always
had a passion to work together, and it's been a great experience!Another great bonus is getting to meet all the wonderful people that we photograph. It's exciting seeing the relationships you can build in just one day!
Anyway... I could ramble on about the business, but I'll just end with this... If you're at the point in your life where you're looking for a life profession, or at the point where your looking for a DIFFERENT life profession... I would recommend finding something you love. If you love what you're doing, and would do it rather or not you got paid... you will be extremely successful at your occupation and love it the whole time. And remember... success is not always measured by wealth.

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