So skimboarding...
Well it all started back in the summer of probably '02 or '03. My band "Prophet Eternal" spent one week of 'chill-time' in Daytona, FL.

It was the first time in my life I had one week of
the beach all to myself. And my goal that week was to teach myself how to skimboard.

Of course, now that
I think about it, that's kind of embarrassing that it took me a week of nonstop everyday practice to learn how to "sand slide" (different from skimboarding) and my wife can now skimboard from just a few lessons from me! Or maybe I'm just that good of a teacher!... :)
And I know you must be thinking, "Wow, he's been doing that for like five years! He must be awesome!"
Well let me be the first to tell you... I'M NOT!!!

Remember, I've just been living down by the coast for a few months. Previously, I've only
been able to practice like once week a year on vacation. So I've still got a lot to learn.
Alright... this is starting to sound like rambling, and I want people to ENJOY reading the blog, not sorting through pointless info. :)
So here are some pics of our latest outing to the beach here in Hilton Head, SC. I just got a bigger board.

Which is great for a couple of reasons...
1. It supports my weight much better
2. I don't feel stupid carrying a small board
around the local skimboards (yes, this one a kinda childish) ;) 3. Jordan now has my old, smaller board and we can skimboard together! She actually impresses me
very much!
So I've ran into a few local skimboarders.
If they are around, I'll try and catch up with them and learn a little bit. They are a great bunch
of guys and normally go out during hide tide to skim everyday. I'll try to get some pictures of them if I can... they will impress you!
Anyway, if you enjoy skimboarding or have any cool pics of yourself skimboard... leave a comment and let's see 'em!!!!!
Enjoy the pics!
Skim on brother! Skim on... (and yes, I'm talking to you Logan!)