*This post was started the day after the speech, just never got finished because I ran out of time, as explained. So here's the rest...
Well, I was
working yesterday when President Obama gave his inauguration speech. So I decided to watch it today before I go into work (which is about in 20 mins, so I can't take long).

I'll just say that I thought his speech went very well. Of course, as long as you're a good reader I'm not sure how you can mess up the speech. I wish I could know how much of it he wrote. He might have written the whole thing? But I doubt it. For the sake of this post, I'll just assume he wrote it, because even if he didn't I can at least assume that he meant all of it.
I only watched it once, so I didn't completely grasp everything he talked about, and I'm not going to "nitpick" the speech. I just wanted to give a few
thoughts I had for the sake of blog

First, I was completely dumbfounded at the amount of people I saw on the lawn in D.C.! I heard it was in the millions! I'm not sure if that was normal or not. But I'm sure lots of people went so they could say " I WAS THERE!" the day history was made.

Second, I am very proud of our country for picking a "mostly" African American President. And I'm glad I that I will be able to talk about it first hand, even though I did NOT vote for Obama. I still disagree

with some of his points, morals, and I wish he was a Republican. :)
Nonetheless, I still respect him as my President, will gladly fight for my country under his leadership if drafted, and will support his decisions unless they conflict with the Bible. I believe this level of respect should be given to EVERY President! Past, Present, and Future. But I never expect that to happen in our society.
Third, I will say that he's got a lot of work to do and he probably has the biggest expectation laid upon than the past three Presidents.

If you ask me, he always looks like he's tired.
'm sure he is.
Forth, I'll be praying for our Obama that God will give him wisdom and, most importantly, that Obama will seek it. Whether he does or not, I can have peace knowing that God is in control.